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Which class should I choose?

Our Abingdon classes take place on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at the Guildhall . If you are new to Yoga or have a medical condition, you may wish to join our Tuesday classes. If you like dynamic Yoga (with the flow kind of sequences), feel fit and have no medical condition, then, do please join our Wednesday session.

Yoga at the Abingdon Guildhall
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Our Tuesday evening class has been taking place in Clifton Hampden village hall for the past 15 years. You'll meet a core group of devoted practitionners attending the 6.30 pm class. Don't hesitate to contact Laurence Nagy Yoga for more details before booking.


Thursday night at Our Lady's school (OLA) Abingdon

This class is opened to beginners with no severe medical condition. I shall introduce you to the Vinyasa flow and guide you through Yoga Nidra which induces deep relaxation. Please bring your own mat, two bricks and a strap


All Nagy Yoga classes are back to halls, except for the Monday morning one. If you can't attend an in person class , this one is for you!.

Nagy Yoga Online
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